Here we are at one of the best cafes in plymouth, although today at the end of june 2012 its rained all day, by know we are getting used to it as its rained for the last three monthes, we cant controll the enviroment, so we have to take it on the chin and look fwd, as there is day after night so there will be sun after rain one, we are lucky we have a great awning so people can sit under and keep dry and still watch all the boats and ahve a warm drink,and a bite to eat.
Bringing you all the latest from the Terrace Cafe Bar and Restaurant, at our stunning location overlooking the sound. We will use this blog to update you with upcoming events, share tasty recipes and videos of gigs.
Friday, 22 June 2012
a beautiful day at the terrace cafe, one of the best cafes in plymouth
Sunday, 10 June 2012
British Fireworks Champion of Champions 2012
Hello all , Sean is very grateful summer has finally arrived and is
looking forward to seeing you all at the Terrace to sample our new menu.
The Terrace Cafe is now taking reservations for the 2012 British Firewoks
Champions of Champions contest. The 2012 Champion of Champions British
Firework Championships will take place on 14th & 15th August 2012 in
Plymouth. You can enjoy the contest from the best seated view in the whole
of Plymouth.
The Terrace is reservation only during the event and will be bringing you
the tastiest food, fantastic music and all the ambience of our unique
To get an idea of these incredible evenings, please visit, like and share
our video of last years competition
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Sean wishes you a healthy and happy summer and looks forward to seeing you all soon.